SMABOX (Smart Smoke Box with Ionization system and Activated Zeolite as a Smoke Converter)


Pembimbing : Edwin Kamal, ST. M.EngSc, Dra. Sri Yatmani, MSi, Dessy Norma Juita, M.Pd
SMA Kharisma Bangsa, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, 2020,


"SMABOX" has an automation principle that has two smoke converter processes, namely ionization and zeolite. At the beginning of its work, if the MQ-2 (I) sensor detects smoke entering the box, it will be read by Arduino Uno and responded by a relay which turns off the fan automatically and the air purification process begins. The first is ionization followed by zeolite filtration as an adsorber and catalyst using the principle of ion exchange. Finally, the MQ-2 (II) sensor ensures that the air is clean. After that, the fan will turn on and clean air ready to be released from the box into the room. The purpose of this research is to create a design that will purify smoke into clean air, with the product concentration of no more than 50 ppm so it is safe to breathe indoors.

Keyword : smabox, ionization, smoke converter

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